Mahatma Gandhi International School
  • Great Quality Education

  • Quality Education

    Welcome to MGIS

  • Quality Education

    Welcome To MGIS

  • Great Quality Education

Mahatma Gandhi International School

Our Fee Structures

Class SI NO. Particulars Monthly Yearly
Nursery 1 Annual Fees 5000
2 Monthly Fee 1950 23400
Yearly Grand Total 28400
LKG 3 Annual Fees 6000
4 Monthly Fee 2150 25800
Yearly Grand Total 31800
UKG 5 Annual Fees 6500
6 Monthly Fee 2400 28800
Yearly Grand Total 35300
I-II 7 Annual Fees 7200
8 Monthly Fee 2450 29400
Yearly Grand Total 36600
III-IV 9 Annual Fees 7200
10 Monthly Fee 2650 31800
Yearly Grand Total 39000
VI-VIII 11 Annual Fees 13200
12 Monthly Fee 2850 34200
Yearly Grand Total 47400
IX-X 13 Annual Fees 13800
14 Monthly Fee 3100 37200
Yearly Grand Total 51000
XI-XII COM 15 Annual Fees 10000
16 Monthly Fee 3100 37200
Yearly Grand Total 47200
XI-XII SC 17 Annual Fees 15000
18 Monthly Fee 4000 48000
Yearly Grand Total 63000
Optional Facilites:
Hostel for boys and girls